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Lovibond® Tintometer

Without water, life on earth would be impossible. Without colour, life would be gloomy and boring. It is therefore important that they are both maintained diligently. With Lovibond measuring equipment and verification standards, both are kept safe worldwide. They been pushing the boundaries of water testing and colour measurement – for over 130 years.

Lovibond measuring equipment, rapid tests and reagents help with reliable, fast and safe analysis to control and guarantee purity and quality of water and colour. In industries, in water works and sewage plants, in swimming pools, environment and in research… their products are a useful and valuable in most areas of our everyday lives.

Lovibond photometers, electrochemical meters, and turbidity instruments or setups are being used in the field and in laboratories for visual and automatic measurements. By using Lovibond powders, tablets or liquid reagents, electrodes, sensors or infrared light sources their products detect impurities in drinking water, help process waste water and monitor biocides and bacteria in ground and surface water. Whether on-line directly within the industrial process or off-line with sample solutions: Lovibond instruments help to avoid corrosions and scale in industrial plants, guarantee safe fun in the swimming pool or ensure compliance to required values.



Water Testing

Lovibond Tintometer is a leading supplier of water analysis equipment to the leisure, environmental and industrial sectors for the precise determination of different types of water: from pools & spas; drinking, waste, ground water and effluents, through to cooling and boiler water. The range of photometers, comparators and test kits combine with the stability and quality of Lovibond reagents to enable rapid, accurate measurements of parameters from Acidity to Zinc.

Lab & Portable Instruments

PTV Process Turbidimeters


Standards & Solutions

Test Kits


Colour Measurement

The Lovibond® visual and automated colour measurement instruments (spectrophotometers for transmission and reflectance; colorimeters and colour comparators) are synonymous with accuracy in the analysis of liquids and solids including: edible, industrial & fuel oils, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, beverages & foodstuffs. The instruments and ISO17025 certified reference materials comply with international test methods and standards such as ASTM, DIN, AOCS and ISO.

Visual Measurement

Automatic Transmission Measurement

Automatic Reflectance Measurement

TA 4 Online-System

Your perfect solution for Water Testing and Colour Measurement!